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About us

We are a non-partisan citizens initiative seeking to align the voting rights of all Brussels residents in the Brussels-Capital Region. We love Brussels and we want every Brussels resident to be able to participate in the democratic process on city-level.
We therefore ask for voting rights for all non-Belgian citizens in the upcoming Brussels regional elections.
We aim to represent all Brusseleirs, regardless of origin, beliefs or language. We believe that all of us deserve to be properly represented by the city-region’s public institutions. We believe in proper democratic participation and representation; We believe that government institutions should be democratically accountable.

1bru1vote proposal for a citizens parliament

Our principles

We believe in proper democratic participation and representation.

Good governance

We believe that government institutions should be democratically accountable.


This is a citizen initiative. We aim to represent all Brusseleirs, regardless of origin, beliefs or language, insofar that they deserve to be properly represented by the city-region’s public institutions.

Our Manifesto

Le Manifeste #1Bru1Vote

1 résident bruxellois majeur d’âge sur 3 – soit 310.000 personnes – sont privés du droit de vote, autrement dit, ils n’ont pas leur mot à dire sur comment cette ville-Région est gérée et ne peuvent pas s’impliquer politiquement. Ces 220.000 citoyens de l’Union européenne et 90.000 citoyens d’autres nationalités sont des citoyens de seconde zone dans cette ville-région, puisqu’ils sont exclus du processus démocratique. Et pourtant, ce sont des Bruxellois comme tous les autres – qui vivent, aiment, travaillent, étudient, paient des impôts et contribuent par de multiples façons à faire de Bruxelles-Capitale une meilleure communauté pour tous.

Het #1Bru1Vote Manifest

1 op 3 meerderjarige inwoners van Brussel-Hoofdstad – oftewel 310.000 mensen – wordt het recht ontzegd om te stemmen en wordt verhinderd om een actieve politieke rol te spelen, omdat zij de Belgische nationaliteit niet hebben. Deze 220.000 inwoners uit de Europese Unie en 90.000 inwoners met een andere nationaliteit zijn tweederangs burgers in dit stadsgewest, aangezien zij uitgesloten zijn van deelname aan het democratisch proces. Maar ook zij zijn Brusselaars, net als de anderen – die hier wonen, werken, studeren, belastingen betalen en zich dagelijks op vele manieren inzetten om Brussel een betere plek te maken voor iedereen.

The #1Bru1Vote Manifesto

1 in 3 Brussels-Capital residents – or 310.000 people – are denied the right to vote, and are prevented from taking an active political role, because they are non-Belgian. These 220.000 European Union citizens and 90.000 citizens with other nationalities are second-class citizens in this city-region, since they are excluded from the democratic process. And yet they are Brussels residents like everyone else—who live, love, work, study, pay taxes and contribute in so many ways to make Brussels-Capital a better home for everyone.

The Sum of You

A movement is as big as the sum of its parts. Our petition is going strong, and has reached over 5000 signatories. We are people who live in Brussels and care about our city. Do you want to be featured here as well? Join us!

Special thanks to

#1bru1Vote is grateful for the free of cost support for our communication and social media strategy provided by ZN Consulting and Philip Weiss (CEO)

1bru1vote press releases